Before reading this article, remember: Don't get overwhelmed!
This is an in-depth nutrition guide. It is OKAY if you don't know everything at first. This guide is provided to be as in-depth as possible. You'll get the hang of it. Just remember: Don't pressure yourself!
Any diet/lifestyle change is going to feel hard at first, but over time things will get easier, so take a deep breath and let yourself soak in this information over time! Scroll down to the bottom to review key points!
Long ago it was widely believed that we needed to eat fish or fortified eggs in order to get our omega-3. (Much like the "we have to eat meat to get protein" and "we have to drink milk to get calcium" myths we were fed in the past.) Now, we know better!
There are a few different ways to incorporate a healthy amount of plant-based omega-3 into our diet for heart and brain health. Here we will explain the difference between ALA and DHA omega-3 and discuss different sources of vegan-friendly omega-3.
DHA Omega-3: This fatty acid is most commonly found in fish and algae and can benefit brain and heart health. Although it may appear plant-based sources are limited, we guarantee you there are many ways to get DHA as a vegan. In fact, your body can actually convert ALA Omega-3 into DHA omega-3, but as discussed to the right, the conversion rate is rather low.
ALA Omega-3: This fatty acid is primarily present in chia seeds, flaxseed, and walnuts but can also be found in small amounts in cooking oil. As stated above, ALA must be converted into DHA in our bodies first, but will achieve the same benefits in the long run.
The ALA to DHA conversion rate is rather low. This means that vegans must be wary to either include more ALA Omega-3 into their diets to convert a healthy amount of DHA or eat fortified foods with DHA added to them.
While some studies suggest that our bodies may improve ALA to DHA conversion on a plant-based diet, there is still little information to go off of. Our recommendation is to increase your intake of ALA Omega-3 on a regular basis while incorporating DHA-fortified foods or supplements on the side to ensure you get more than enough omega. (Though if you take in enough ALA omega by itself, you can still have healthy DHA levels after your body converts it.)
"Studies of ALA metabolism in healthy young men indicated that approximately 8% of dietary ALA was converted to EPA and 0%-4% was converted to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (6). In healthy young women, approximately 21% of dietary ALA was converted to EPA and 9% was converted to DHA (7)." - Oregon State University
*Flax Oil, Hemp Oil, and Algae Oil are all supplements very high in omega-3. If you are deficient in omega-3 these would be good choices to raise your levels at a faster rate.
#1 Your body will absorb more omega-3 from ground flaxseed than it will from whole flaxseed, so we definitely recommend buying it ground or grounding it yourself at home. If you do find yourself eating flaxseed whole, make sure to chew it well, otherwise some of the whole seeds may pass through you mostly undigested.
#2 Flax oil and hemp oil have a higher concentrated omega-3 content than the seeds themselves. But sprinkling the seeds into your food in general is a great way to sneak more omegas in over time!
#3 Chia seeds are better absorbed when they have been soaked, however, I have found many people I have helped transition to a plant-based diet cannot stand the texture of chia seeds once they have absorbed water. Although I recommend trying them soaked mixed in with a smoothie at least once, (it's harder to detect their texture in a smoothie than chia pudding) if you absolutely can't stand soaked chia seeds eating them dry will still allow you to reap a fair amount of the nutritional benefits. Just remember to drink water, because eating chia seeds dry may cause them to absorb a little bit of water from your body.